Delta Zeta Gears Up to Welcome New Members!

The DZ Chapter had a successful Rush Week last week – between the meet ‘n greet, the bbq/picnic, and the late night of snacks at the house, the Chapter met with a number of potential new members. Rush Chi Phi

“Pretty successful so far,” said Chapter Alpha, Brother Corey Irby. “But it’s not over yet!” While the Chapter recognizes some area of Rush that they are already planning for improvement in the Fall, they are confident that they will be able to welcome at least four new members into the Fraternity.


The Bid Rally is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, and the DZAA looks forward to watching the Chapter grow!

Catching Up with the Chapter – New Members!

Delta Zeta Actives

While the Fall Semester is nearing its end for the Delta Zeta Chapter, it has definitely not been a stagnant one. The Chapter has added to its ranks six new members, welcoming six new Brothers into Chi Phi.


Julian Leone, Freshman


Taylor Burke, Freshman


Josh Baker, Freshman

(No Photo Available) – Leo Muniz, Sophomore


Mitch McHugh, Junior


Will Bramich, Senior

 The DZAA extends a welcome to these six young gentlemen, and we have no doubt that they will make excellent additions to the Chapter as they learn more about Chi Phi and strive to become better men, build lifelong friendships, gain valuable leadership opportunities, and develop stronger character.

Welcome to Chi Phi, gentlemen!


30th Anniversary Celebration Recap – PART ONE

If you missed out on all of the 30th-ish Anniversary festivities of this past weekend, then you missed out on a lot!!!  Alumni from quite a few generations were present and accounted for over the three days of activities, and a great time was had by all, catching up and reminiscing about days gone by!

Alumni the Pub

The weekend started off on Friday night with the Happy Hour at The Pub at International Plaza. Brian Harff, David Ebner, Joshua Cleveland, Chip Woodward, Jon DeJongh, Quincy Banis, Brian Spiro, Clinton Millsap, Craig Dickinson, Chase Dafnis, Jon DeJongh, Taylor Bauer, Travis Rivers, Mike Grafstrom, Todd Latoski, and others showed up for a great evening of drinks, appetizers, and lots of memories!


After some sleep (and recovery!) from Friday’s night out, the Alumni met at the USF Marshall Center for the DZAA Bi-Annual General Membership Meeting.  A quorum was declared present, and after the officers gave their reports, a vote was taken on two measures:  (1)  to change the fiscal year to July 1st through June 30th and (2) to add two new Board members, the Technology Chairman and the Archivist, both of whom will be appointed and not elected members to the Board.  The two measures passed unanimously.


Before the meeting closed out, the Alumni inducted into its ranks a soon-to-graduate Brother, Mike Rizer.  Make sure you reach out to Brother Rizer and welcome him into the DZAA!

This, of course, was only the beginning of the weekend…