Alumni News – The Old Guys Win!


The First Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble is over – and the Old Guys won!  With ten teams and lots of volunteers and supporters, the first ever DZAA golf tournament was a fantastic success.  Alumni, Actives, and their family and friends showed off their golfing skills, but when it came down to the wire, it was the “Old Guys” who walked away the winner – the “Old Guys” being Brian Harff, Steve Shelton, Ken Bjelke, and Mike Bergland.  Congratulations, gentlemen, on a game well played!



And for those that weren’t there, you missed out on the hole challenges, such as the Cornhole Challenge and the Tutu Challenge (c’mon – how many of you regret, now, missing out on seeing Alumni such as David Ebner, Ryan Suarez, and Patrick Vega, along with our Active Brother, Kyle Schlenker, wearing tutus?!).  Plus, tickets upon tickets upon tickets were sold for the raffle as attendees placed their hopes on winning prizes such as a foursome at Westchase Golf Club, a PowerBilt Putter, 2 tickets for MOSI and 2 tickets for the Aquarium, and the ever-popular 4 USF Tumblers!


After all expenses were paid, the First Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble raised a little over $1,500 for the Chi Phi Educational Trust, which provides scholarships to the young men of Chi Phi to help pay for their education.  A big THANK YOU goes out to all the volunteers who gave so much of their time to help make the event a success – without each and every one of you, we couldn’t have done it.  And an even bigger THANKS goes out to Board members, Brothers Kyllan Purdon and David Ebner, for the many hours that were spent over the last several months putting this event together, getting a host course, organizing the sponsors, volunteers, and challenges, and making it a great opportunity for Brothers, both old and new, to get together for a great cause.

Now the planning begins for the Second Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble for Fall 2014…

Chapter News – Homecoming Activities

The Chapter is definitely staying active these days!  They are practicing hard for the upcoming “Putting on the Hits,” where the men will be dancing and lip synching for Sigma Delta Tau’s philanthropy to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America.  If that weren’t enough, the Chapter is also working hard on Chi Omega’s “Chi O Rodeo.”  This is another Greek philanthropy that involves line dancing, bull riding, boot decoration, and the whole kit and caboodle, all to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Homecoming also starts this week, and so it’s been busy days and nights for the Brothers.  They have completed the banner competition and window painting (for which the men put in nearly 8 hours to complete), and several of the Active Brothers attended the “Anchor Splash” philanthropy hosted by Delta Gamma.  And today, the men collected can goods to be donated at a later time – for now, though, as  part of the homecoming activities, they had to create something unique with them, and that they did!


Snaps to all of the Active Brothers for the hard work they are putting in, not only for Chi Phi, but for all the organizations that the fraternities and sororities are supporting!

News, News, and More News

GOLF TOURNAMENT IS ONLY A WEEK AWAY!  Don’t forget that the USF-2010golfChi Phi Scholarship Scramble is only a week away!  On October 27th, from 7:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the DZAA will be hosting the First Annual USF-Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble to benefit the Chi Phi Educational Trust.  There are lots of great prizes, awards to be won, and plenty of food and fellowship!  We have 22 players already registered – if you haven’t done so, be sure to go to and get registered before time runs out.  You don’t want to miss out on all the fun!

FALL MEMBERSHIP MEETING REMINDER!  Just a quick reminder that the chi-phiDZAA Fall General Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Marshall Center on the USF campus.  The agenda for the meeting includes revisions to the Association’s By-Laws, as well as approval for the proposed 2014 budget.  At the conclusion of the meeting, we will be inducting our recently graduated Brothers into the Alumni Association, so we encourage everyone to attend!.

Secret-SantaSECRET SANTA!  Who doesn’t want a surprise for Christmas?  And who wouldn’t want to receive that surprise from a fellow Chi Phi alumnus?  Well, there are plans in the work to re-introduce the Secret Santa tradition to the DZAA!  The holidays are only a couple of months away, and if you’d like to participate in this festive event, then contact Kyllan Purdon and let him know – more information will be revealed in the coming weeks!

logoSPELLING IT OUT FOR YOU!  And let’s remember that the Chapter is hosting their 3rd Annual Spelling Bee, the Delta Zeta’s annual philanthropy to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of America.   The Spelling Bee is on Tuesday, October 29th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the MSC Oval Theater.  General admission is only $2, and it’s a great way to show support for the Actives!