Around the Peninsula – Theta Delta Shows a True Giving Spirit

Last month, the Theta Delta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity at the University of Florida got into the spirit of the season when they teamed up with the ladies of the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority to provide the Boys and Girls Club with their very own Thanksgiving Dinner!

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In addition to a fantastic dinner, the Gentlemen of Chi Phi and the Ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta assisted the boys and girls in creating some arts and crafts that they could take home, as well as helping them write some “Thank You” letters to send to our troops who are stationed overseas.

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It’s the season of giving, and the charitable contributions of their time and effort clearly shows the Theta Delta Chapter has gotten into the spirit of things! Snaps to our Brothers at the University of Florida!


Remembering Our Veterans

Tomorrow, our Nation celebrates Veterans Day – and while this is one day that has been set aside to remember all of those who have served, and those who continue to serve, our country, let’s remember that we should be honoring these brave men and women every day – not just on November 11th!


And to all of our Chi Phi Brothers who are serving in the armed forces – the Delta Zeta Alumni Association says THANK YOU!


Volunteers Needed for Golf Tournament

With the 2nd Annual USF / Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble only one month away, it’s time to step up and help out. The DZAA is looking for volunteers to help out with the registration table, with the raffle table, and with the individual holes.


If you are not planning to play in the tournament, but you still want to show your support, contact the Exec Board and let them know you are willing to volunteer for the event. Your Alumni Association needs you, and now is the time to answer that call.

Golfer Waiting to Tee off

You can reach out to any of the Board members on their individual Facebook pages, or simply post your willingness to help on the DZAA Facebook page at, and someone will get back with you right away.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to be involved and help out the DZAA!