Around the Peninsula with Chi Phi – Theta Delta Chapter Serves It Up!

The Brothers of the Theta Delta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity at University of Florida certainly have plenty of reasons to be proud this month.


First, two of their Brothers were initiated into Florida Blue Key, which is University of Florida’s leadership honorary founded back in 1923.  Florida Blue Key is nationally recognized as the breeding ground of Florida’s future leaders, with such past members at Lawton Chiles, Buddy MacKay, Bill Nelson, and many others.  Chartered with the mission of developing civic mindedness, civility, and life-long learning and service, Florida Blue Key strives to achieve a level of servant leadership that not only enhances the lives of its members, but the greater community as well.  Snaps to Brothers Brandon Corsentino and Brett Freidkes for being initiated into such a prestigious organization!

Second, Theta Delta also saw three of their Brothers be appointed to positions within University of Florida’s UF Interfraternity Council.  Brother Thomas Echezabel was appointed and will serve as the Director of Information Technology; Brother Tyler Marinelli is going to serve as the Assistant Vice-President of Finance; and Brother Kevin Alagha will be serving as the Assistant Vice-President of Membership – Logistics.  It’s always great to see our Brothers take an active role in not only their Fraternity, but also in the governing student bodies in their university.  Congratulations go out to all of these young men, with well-wishes on much success in these new roles.


Finally, in true Chi Phi tradition, the Brothers of Theta Delta recently got together to clean up their community.  These young men were not afraid to get their hands dirty as they set about clearing out debris, mowing lawns, and cleaning up playgrounds to keep the area not only looking good, but safe for the children as well.  Once again, Chi Phi makes its mark on the community and gives back of their time and effort.  Well done, Theta Delta!

In the News – Recognizing the DZAA

Every year, Chi Phi’s National Office recognizes Chapters and Alumni Associations across the country in many different areas.  Each spring, applications for the awards are posted to the Chi Phi website, and the applications are reviewed and awards are presented each year at Congress.  Below are some of the awards for which an Alumni Association can be recognized:

OUTSTANDING ALUMNI NEWSLETTER AWARD:  outstanding2This award is given annually to no more than three Chapters based upon the following criteria – (1) at least two newsletters published annually; (2) content timely and appropriate; (3) positive alumni response to the newsletter; and (4) quality organization, accuracy, and arrangement.

OUTSTANDING WEBSITE AWARD:  This award is given annually to the Chapter with the best website.

THE WILLIAM M. BYRD ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR AWARD:  This award, named for Brother William M. Byrd, Nu 1953, a former Grand Zeta and Trustee, is presented each year to the Chi Phi Alumnus who has best distinguished himself in activities and service on behalf of the Fraternity.

CHAPTER ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD:  Awarded annually, this award recognizes the top Chapter Advisors of all Chapters within the Fraternity.  Nominations come from the Chapters themselves.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE YEAR AWARD:  This award recognizes the Chapter Alumni Association that has done an outstanding job in supporting an undergraduate Chapter, providing benefits of membership to that Chapter’s Alumni, and promoting the mission of the Chi Phi Fraternity.

ServiceCHI PHI FRATERNITY – DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD:  This annual award recognizes Chi Phi Brothers who have demonstrated an extraordinary level of service to the Fraternity in terms of numbers of years and throughout the previous year.

CHI PHI FRATERNITY – CRONKITE CONGRESSIONAL AWARD:  The Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. Chi Phi Congressional Award is the most prestigious individual honor the Chi Phi Fraternity can bestow on an Alumnus.  It is given for humanitarian, social, or political achievement which benefits our country, educational system, or society.  The Cronkite Award is reserved for Alumni who have made a profound impact on humanity while exemplifying the highest ideals of the Fraternity.

There are a number of opportunities for our Alumni Association to be recognized, and while spring is still several months away, it’s never too early to begin thinking about what awards the DZAA may be eligible to receive.

As we near the end of 2013 and look back over the year, 1659563let’s consider the ways that the Alumni Association has grown…the ways that the Alumni have given back to the community…the ways that the DZAA has reached out to its members and kept them updated and informed…the ways that the Association has supported and encouraged the Active Chapter – then, let’s look forward to all the opportunities we will have in 2014 to do all of that and more!

Chapter News – Serving Chi Phi and the Community

The election results are in, and Philip Gilroy 208691_10150213412442448_1423786_nhas been voted in as the next Alpha, to serve the Fraternity in 2014.  Brother Gilroy has been active in the Fraternity on campus, and he states, “I am honored to be voted in as the next Alpha.  I would like to please both the Active Chapter and the Alumni.  If there is anything that you would like to see happen, please contact me.  I look forward to working with everyone.”  The Alumni Association congratulates Brother Gilroy on his new position!

But wait – there’s more!  The Chapter also elected more than just the Alpha!  After the votes were tallied, the new Exec Board and Chairs were named:  Miles White is the new Beta; 1463134_698308236847035_823123041_nNathan Drass is the new Gamma; Billy De Guzman is the new Delta; Michael Bennett is the new Epsilon; Blaise Levai is the new Zeta; Benyamin Katz is the new Eta; Alex Sadowski is the new Recruitment Chair; and Rico is the new Pi/Pledge Ed Chair.  Congratulations go out to each and every Brother as they step into these new roles, and we look forward to seeing the Chapter grow and strengthen under their leadership!

1425738_10153475672800006_1142331265_nThe Chapter also recently donated their time and efforts to assist the Boys and Girls Club of America, by cleaning and painting and providing necessary manpower and assistance in much needed clean up for the 1470368_10153475672740006_2111501229_norganization.  The Boys and Girls Club of America is Chi Phi’s national philanthropy, and the Chapter recently raised $450 to help the organization.  Now, in addition to money, they have given of their time and talents to further assist!  Snaps to all of the Active Brothers who participated in the community service event!