Where Are They Now? – Adam Feinberg

Whatever happened to Adam Feinberg? Before Delta Zeta even named their classes, Adam Feinberg was there! It was 1987 when this young college student pledged the Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity, and Brother Feinberg fondly recalls, “it was simple [back then], and I still have my ‘Squid #86’ pledge jersey! The great idea of class names started once we knew it was forever and not just 50 guys and li’l sisters having fun!” He stuck with it, though, and graduated in 1990 with a degree in International Studies and Economics (“Why?” he asks, “I have no idea!”).

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After college, Brother Feinberg married his beautiful wife, Dganitt, who, coincidentally enough, he went to high school with but never knew her at that time! They have four great kids, ages 7, 10, 12, and 14, and to support this amazing family, he works as the Guardian Protection Services Regional Sales Manager for not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR states!

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He currently resides in Pennsylvania, just south of Philadelphia. He remains in contact with several of his Brothers through Facebook, and he checks in with them from time to time. “Chip Woodward was my roommate in Lambda II Dorm when he joined Chi Phi,” Brother Feinberg recalls. “The next semester, I joined, and we have been great friends ever since. My door is always open to a DZ!” He definitely misses Chip, as well as George King. “And even Tanner,” he adds, “formally known as Gary Chaiken, and several others too.” But with all of the modern technology of cell phones, e-mails, and Facebook, Brother Feinberg tries to stay in touch with them all.

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When thinking about how his years with Chi Phi has impacted his life, Brother Feinberg admits that is a huge question. “I tried to answer that in a Chakett article that came out a few months ago. The three “L’s” come to mind all the time – Listen, Learn, and Lead. When thinking back to having to do so much with so little time, and yet have such a great time doing it keeps me sane with things get tough in my day to day life. At least now, when I work my butt off, there is a paycheck attached to it,” he adds with a grin.

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Brother Feinberg states he is always a Chi Phi and will always remain in the bonds.

Phil Found His Shirt!

No, we’re not talking about the latest Dr. Seuss book – although it probably would make for a good one (he searched down low, he searched up high … he searched so far, he searched so nigh … he searched until his body hurt, but at long last, Phil found his shirt!). No, we are talking about fellow Alumnus, Brother Phil Hoeksema, who recently found his original Pledge Shirt!

Phil Found His Pledge Shirt

“Hokie” stumbled across the shirt and decided to try it on. And, according to his wife, the shirt fits him better now, some 20 years later, than it did when he first got it back in the Fall of 1990 (wow, really? 1990? Has it really been 24 years?!).

So this begs the question…where’s your pledge shirt? Do you still have it? Or, the better question is – does it still fit? Food for thought…

Where Are They Now? – Bryan Callaway

Whatever happened to Bryan CallawayBryan Callaway It’s been more than 15 years since Brother Bryan Callaway pledged with the Tau class to join the Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity back in the Fall of 1998 – but while he may have graduated in 2002 with a major in Biology and a minor in Military Science, he has never forgotten his Brothers and the time spent with Delta Zeta.  Although he’s still single (and loving it!), he hopes to one day settle down and have some kids.

Between the military and his current profession as an Aerospace Program Manager, Brother Callaway has moved all over the world – from San Antonio to Nashville, from Iraq to India, and even Brazil and Germany.  But of all the places he’s lived, he likes to call “Lower Slower Delaware” (or “LSD” as he refers to it) his home.  With all of his traveling, he has not had the opportunity to visit Florida as much as he would have liked; however, Facebook has been a great tool that has allowed him to stay in touch with his Chi Phi Brothers.

When considering what Brother(s) he misses the most, Brother Callaway admits it is a tough question.  “All of the Chi Phi Brethren treated me very well during my college years,” he states.  “From Rush Week to Graduation, and to this day!  Bryan Callaway - thenHowever, if I must pick, the following two Brothers stand out:  (1) Brother Mark Smith, my Big, who still lives in the Tampa Bay area.  I was able to meet him last year at Tia’s, and the conversation flowed like nothing had changed.  For those of you still in the Tampa Area, Mark continues to throw great parties via ‘After Dark Productions’!  (2)  Brother Mike Grafstrom, who still lives in the Tampa Bay area as well.  Mike was the Alumni Advisor for a majority of my active years, and he was always there to provide some words of wisdom, pick-up lines, or just a random joke at the most inappropriate times!”

Looking back at his years in college and with Chi Phi, Brother Callaway re-iterates the words of his fellow Alumni, Brother Quincy Banis, with a caveat:  “’The Fraternity showed me leadership and the real-world consequences.  It gave me confidence to go to my first unit, and it gave me experiences that I could relate back to when I was starting in the Army.’  Quincy couldn’t have stated it better.  The Fraternity is a bunch of 18-22 year old Alpha males experiencing the real world together for the first time.  Chi Phi taught me negotiation and social skills, along with integrity and moral character attributes that are required to succeed in all avenues of life.  Joining Chi Phi was one of the best decisions I have made in my life, as it prepared me to succeed in both the military and corporate business sectors after college.”