Up for Election – Vice-President!

Kyllan PurdonNext up for election this April is the position of Vice-President, currently held by Brother Kyllan Purdon. When asked about his position, he provided the following:

The Vice-President is responsible for setting up and hosting the Alumni events – this would include the DZAA Third Thursdays, which is a monthly happy hour that provides an opportunity for the Alumni to get together and give us a break from the normal. There is also the Annual Golf Tournament, each Fall, that raises money for our Chapter of Excellence Fund and homecoming. In the Spring, we have Founders’ Weekend and a banquet to help raise money for the Housing Fund.

The position of the Vice-President runs successfully when he has a group of chairs/people or helpers to whom he can delegate tasks, as the planning, organizing, and running these events can become a bit overwhelming without the help.