What Did Your Chi Do For You?

DSCN3879For those Alumni who attended the annual Scarlet vs Blue softball game last month, you no doubt remember that during the picnic afterwards, we hosted the first ever Rent-A-Chi Fundraiser as a means to raise money for the Housing Fund. It’s been a month now, and so the question has been raised – what did your Chi do for you?

Did he wash your car?
Did he fix your computer?
Did he clean out your garage?

The Exec Board is looking for feedback from those of you who participated and actually won an auction that day – and just in case you’ve forgotten, here are the winning bidders:

Philip Gilroy won DAVID EBNER
Joshua Cleveland won PHILIP GILROY
Clinton Millsap won KYLLAN PURDON
Paul Michael Acosta won PAUL MICHAEL ACOSTA
Chip Woodward won TODD LATOSKI
Arianna Muniz won BLAISE LEVAI
Todd Latoski won CLINTON MILSAP
Melody Bernstein won ALEX WATTS
Alex Watts won NATHAN DRASS
Clinton Millsap won QUINCY BANIS

Share your DSCN3877stories of what you had your Chi do for you – and share pictures too, so that we can post them on the website for all of the Alumni to see!   All monies raised by the auction went directly into the Housing Fund, and in order to gauge its true success, we need to hear from you!

All stories and photos can be e-mailed to dzaa@gmail.com.